What is Mind Clearing?
“Mind Clearing is not magic, a quick fix, or something that is done to you. It is not based on moving ideas around in the mind or looking at things more positively. Clearing is based on fulfilled relating… [and] rests on old and new discoveries of what clears the mind of its upsets, depressions, fears, guilt, and negative attitudes. A good Clearing session brings you home to who you really are and to a place of choice and self-responsibility. From this place, you can really live.”
Lawrence Noyes, Mind Clearer and author of “Enlightenment Intensive: Dyad Communication as a Tool for Self-Realization.”
At its core, Mind Clearing recognizes that our most basic drive and purpose in life is to connect with each other. Inner conflicts and unhappiness are the result of unfulfilled communications and breakdowns in relating.
In short, when communications fail, the mind is created. So, the mind is really a storage bank of experiences, chains of trauma, thoughts, and fixed perceptions of yourself, others, and life that have not been fully examined or communicated. This stack up keeps you from your true self and purpose, from each other, and from your connection to the Divine; however, you understand it.
As Moms of special kids, this stacked up mind stuff is experienced as incomplete communications, grief, worrying, busy-brain or brain-fog, defensiveness, guilt, not being present, being stuck in survival mode, perfectionism, feelings of shame and blame, and chronic overwhelm.
Rather than giving advice, Mind Clearing helps you build skills in how you relate.
As you become clearer and more precise in communicating, you feel more fulfilled. You have less mind stuff and more free space. The more free space there is, the less reactive and defensive the mind becomes. You become clearer about who you are and what you want. This allows you to become clearer about life, which becomes more harmonious as you live more aligned with who you are.
Problems transform into projects. Clean and healthy boundaries are easier to identify and maintain. Relationships with yourself and others improve, becoming deeper, more real and fulfilling. You become increasingly aware that your inner peace and happiness doesn’t depend on outer circumstances and your life energy frees up so you can focus on what matters most to you.